So much of the work I do involves teaching about mindset because I find that’s where a lot of people struggle. Their perception may be that they aren’t successful in business or have other money problems but the reality is (and this is hard for people to accept – at first) many of the issues with money are coming from how you think about money.
You might have a whole lot of stuff coming up right now about that…yeah, right! No way! I’m pushing money away? I don’t believe it!
I’ve seen it over and over.
One man was so talented as a photographer, yet he couldn’t see that people would like to learn from him and pay him handsomely!
A woman who has amazing gifts and could be coaching people about spirituality,
but instead tries to create a business around what she “thinks she can make money at.”
I get it, sometimes it’s hard to ask people for business. Sometimes it’s hard to receive from others. It’s so much easier to focus on giving than asking for something we need or want.
It’s hard to put yourself out there and risk rejection. So how about we try something different? Let’s try something that is rejection proof.
5 Steps to Starting a Business (so you can pay off your bills and get a jump start earning more next year!).
1. Connect with what your special gifts are. If you’re a coach, don’t think about what will make you money. Think about what you’ve accomplished, what you’re really good at, what you love to do, what skill or talent others compliment you about. This may require that you sit quietly and go within to come up with the answer. It should come from your HEART and not your head.
2. Tell people you’re looking for people who want to learn how to ______________(your talent). By saying you’re looking for people who want to learn _____________, you’re not asking them directly and you’re not risking rejection. They are more likely to stop and think of who they know that wants your product or service. They may also think about who is aligned with you and complements what you do.
3. Get the word out. Post it on social media, Craig’s list, Let people know you’re available to teach them. Again, use the words, “I’m looking for people who want to learn how to _____________”. Think micro-niche, not something broad. For example, if you like to collect Pinot Noir wines, then talk about that and not just “wine.” How about teaching how to pair Pinot Noir with meals? Or what Pinot Noirs are good that sell for under $20 a bottle? Or how to collect and store Pinot Noirs? (Not sure what to say during the conversation when a potential client shows interest? That’s what the Big Ticket Sales Boutique is for. See details here.)
4. Consider writing a short ebook about your talent and selling it. If you love to cook, write a short recipe ebook. If you love to make copper fountains, write an ebook about it. If you can talk about it for an hour, record it, and transcribe it, you can have this done in no time. Websites like can handle selling a book or any products you want to sell for you. They take care of credit cards and you don’t need an expensive website.
5. Spend 30 seconds several times a day thinking about and already feeling the money in your possession. See it in your bank account. Put energy behind your thoughts and get excited about what you have to teach people and see clients agreeing to work with you. This is the “receiving” step. Don’t skip this.
Again, it’s imperative, that you don’t do something because you “think” it will make you money. Do the thing you LOVE – that is your gift and personal currency. It is often the very thing that is so easy for us that will create the most value, yet we think it’s easy for everyone and we don’t value it.
Money is waiting for you…are you ready to receive it?

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