These are the books I recommend for your wealth building library. I only recommend books I’ve read and love. These are books that made a difference in my life. I’d like to share them with you:
1. The classic wealth mindset book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. As a 10 year-old fascinated by how wealth is created, I read Think and Grow Rich (my dad handed me his copy). This book was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men of his day. Napoleon Hill researched millionaires in the early part of the 20th century and it is the most documented book there is about millionaires. It’s like the bible of millionaires and it’s a must read. I was fortunate to have read this book when I was young. It shaped my view that wealth begins in your mind with your thoughts and beliefs. This book belongs in the library of every millionaire and future millionaire, no matter what your age.
2. For closing the wealth gap and shaving decades off of your investing time to reach your financial goals, read “3 Steps to Quantum Wealth: The Wealth Heiress’ Guide to Financial Freedom by Investing in Cryptocurrencies” by Linda P. Jones. This book is simple to understand and easy to implement. Cryptocurrencies have provided some of the highest compounding rates in history and adding a small amount to a portfolio may create life-changing wealth.
3. The personal finance book I believe everyone (men love it too) should have is “You’re Already Wealth Heiress Now Think and Act Like One: 6 Practical Steps to Make It a Reality Now!” by Linda P. Jones. The Wealth Heiress book was written to inspire you that you can have financial freedom and I show you how, step-by-step. A simple-to-follow Wealth Checklist is included as well as your Millionaire Action Plan (MAP) to overcome any obstacles that are keeping you from reaching your millions. No matter how much or how little money you are starting with, no matter what your age, the Wealth Heiress book will show you the right choices to make and avoid to propel you to wealth.
4. The book I feel the most aligned with (other than my own) is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Robert tells a good story and makes an important point – that to become rich you must become a business owner, not an employee. Few jobs create wealth unless you’re in the executive suite or have stock options. He goes through 4 quadrants and why you want to be an investor and business owner. His “rich dad” was his friend’s entreprenuerial father and his “poor dad” was his professor (real) father. I love all of the “Rich Dad” books and highly recommend them.
5. Women would also like Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach. David summarizes 25 years I spent in the financial industry and puts it into one book. He makes the important point of aligning your values with your money. Although David is often criticized for suggesting saving money on lattes can create wealth, it’s actually just an example of the power of compound interest and how important it is to wealth building. The important point is to invest and grow your money.
6. A book that is on target today is Maloney’s Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver by Michael Maloney – How to take advantage of the coming wealth transfer to create wealth. Michael is right on target with the wealth transfer, cycles, bubbles, and investing in precious metals. I agree with what he writes and respect the body of work this book represents. It’s the closest thing I’ve found to what I teach.
7. The book that taught me how to buy stocks was How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O’Neil. It taught me everything I needed to know to be successful picking stocks and was a big help getting my portfolio value to $2 million. This book along with Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) are what allowed me to make $2 million in the stock market. In my opinion, O’Neil’s two are the “must have” resources for stock investors.
8. Finally, the Wealth Mini-Course & Journal by Linda P. Jones. Use this to record your progress, dreams, and goals. I give this to my clients and love the unique combination of mini-course of questions for you to answer and design your life, and journal to record your thoughts.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you, and I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. I recommend these companies because I believe they have great products that will be very beneficial to you. Please only purchase these products if you feel the same way.
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